Are you looking for some inspirational and motivational quotes for 2022? Look no further!
I collected my favorite 10 quotes in this post for you, perfect for the new year and your new you!
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Without further ado, let’s get to the quotes!
1. A Goal should Scare you a Little and Excite you a Lot – Joe Vitale
As soon as I read this I knew I needed to share it with you here!
A goal should definitely be a little scary, but it also needs to be something you are excited to reach. If you’re not, you probably won’t pull through.
RELATED: How to Set Goals and Achieve them for 2021
2. Never Measure your Progress using Someone Else’s Ruler – unknown
You have no idea how long I was looking for the author of this quote. No clues nowhere!
Either way, this quote reminds me of how we all need to stop comparing ourselves to others. Every person and every journey is different, so it doesn’t even make sense!
Let’s start to measure our success with our own ruler and become better people than OURSELVES rather than others.
New resolution? Maybe!
3. We cannot Become what we Want by Remaining who we Are – Max DePree
Another accurate quote! We truly can’t become better, smarter, and different, if we don’t strive to learn more and improve.
By not changing things, things won’t change. It’s that simple.
A good reminder for 2020!
4. If you get Tired, Learn to Rest not to Quit – Banksy
To be honest, I still need to learn this.
I tend to work hard until I achieve something without resting really because it somehow feels like quitting. (idk why I think that. It’s dumb.). That often results in pretty bad stress or burnout, which is really not that great.
Anyway, I think this quote puts it pretty well and it’s a good one for the new year.
- How to Set Goals and Achieve them in 2021
- 10 Bullet Journal Spreads
- Girl Boss Organization Hacks
- 8 Time Management Tips
5. Old Ways won’t Open New Doors – unknown
Another motivational quote for 2021 that puts it straight. I also love how true it is.
This one is similar to our #3 but looks at it in a different way.
This isn’t necessarily about ourselves, but rather about situations in life that define our journey.
New opportunities only come when you are ready for them. Be ready in 2021!
6. Train your Mind to See the Good in Every Situation – unknown
I tried hard to find the author once again but had to give up eventually. So if anyone knows, let me know so I can give the credit they deserve!
It’s so easy to get caught up in all the things that go wrong, that we miss all the good things that happen in a day.
I like to do a gratitude spread in my bullet journal where I can write what I am grateful for every day.
That’s a good way to get started with this mindset!
RELATED: 10 Bullet Journal Spreads for Students
7. Doubt Kills more Dreams than Failure ever will – Suzy Kassem
This quote is so powerful, I do just wanna hang it up on my wall. Wait, I can! And you can too! (click here to get to my freebie library)
It is so true, and more people should recognize, that if you never try, you’ll never know!
Why do we keep talking ourselves out of doing things when we could just try and see if it works!
Where do you lose more? I think regretting things you haven’t done is far worse than regretting the things you did do. (ok, it’s relative, but assuming we all don’t do horrible things).
8. If your Dreams don’t Scare you, they aren’t Big Enough! – Ellen Johnson
Such a truthful quote! If your dreams seem too easy to achieve, they aren’t big enough!
Don’t be afraid to dream and make it a goal.
9. Be the Kind of Person who makes other People want to Up their Game – unknown
Being a good example and role model is so important in today’s world. Many people don’t pay attention to what they do and how it can influence others.
Be the kind of person you want to meet yourself!
10. When you Feel like Quitting, Remember why you Started – John Di Lemme
Last but certainly not least is this powerful quote.
And it does help! Whenever I thought back on why I started something, it reminds me not only to keep my goal in mind but also how far I’ve come.
It is so easy to forget all that (speaking from experience) and thinking of the beginnings is SO motivating that you just can’t quit.
With that being said, these were all 10 motivational quotes for 2020. If you wanna see more like this, check out my Pinterest where I share more for 2022!
I hope you reached your goals from the last year and will up your game this next one!
I for sure am ready for it!
Do you need some tips for setting goals? This new post of mine is a complete guide to it.
Until soon,
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