Let’s be honest. We are all tired of quarantine and lockdown, but some things we just need to get through.
But let’s get excited for the things to do after lockdown!
In this post, I will share my top 10 things to do after quarantine, and I hope they give you an idea of what to do.
If you are still in quarantine, check out this list of 50 things to do during quarantine!
Let’s get started!
10 Things To Do After Lockdown

1. See your friends
Seeing your friends is probably something you have been looking forward to for weeks or months!
Set up a time and just go for a walk, to the cafe, or maybe even to the beach to catch up and have some fun.
Need some ideas on what to do with your friends? Here is my ultimate summer bucket list with 50 things to do in summer. It also includes a free printable!
2. Visit your family
If you haven’t had the chance to be with your family or visit them, take advantage of your new freedom and go see them!
Whether you just visit and drink some coffee or tea together, or go for an activity somewhere else, spending time with your family is something you should do after quarantine!
3. Take a day trip
Regional and national travel is finally allowed, so take advantage and take a day trip to get out of the house.
How about a trip the the mountains or the beach?
4. Volunteer
Many businesses and charities are having hard times, so if you don’t have much to do in the summer, consider volunteering for organizations whose values you support.
I personally love environmental organizations that clean beaches, plant trees, or protect wildlife.
But there are so many other organizations out there that need support and your help!
Do you want to make a bigger difference to the environment but you can’t volunteer? Here are tips to be more eco-friendly as a student!
5. Go for a nice dinner
This is on my list as well! When was the last time you went out for dinner?
Dinners are easy to do and yet you can make them into special experiences.
Whether you go to a fancy restaurant and dress up a little, or your favorite one next door, this is one of my favorite things to do after lockdown!
6. Shop locally
I’m sure that you heard that the pandemic has affected local businesses much more than big companies.
It is super important that we support our local businesses and shop locally!
Whether that’s groceries, farmers products, clothes, or pet supplies, it’s not a hard task to buy things you need from local stores.
If you don’t have any around, it can also help to shop smaller brands that are sold in the supermarkets or check labels where things have been shipped from and make sure it’s from your own country.
7. Enjoy your hobbies
If you had to stop your hobbies because of the pandemic, get excited to get them back!
Didn’t have any? It can be fun to start something new you enjoy. How about a dance class or horseback riding?
Want new hobby ideas? Here are 50 of them!
8. Schedule appointments
Now that businesses open back up, you should schedule much needed appointments.
Those can include the dentist, chiropractor, hair dresser, or maybe even the spa.
9. Take an outdoors workout class
While you probably tried to workout in quarantine, now that smaller group gatherings are around, you can take advantage of that and take a more special workout class, in person!
You can choose between yoga, cardio, weight lifting, and many more!
10. Visit a new place
Once the borders to countries open, you can finally travel!
Whether that’s the case when you read this or not, exploring a new place is one of the top things to do after lockdown, since you can choose a national or international destination.
On my list I have exploring Hungary a little more and go to places I haven’t been (I currently live in Budapest over the summer before I go back to university).
Then, once the borders open I’ve got Greece and Portugal on my list!
No matter what place you choose, make sure it’s safe to go and always follow measures of that country.
Need some ideas? In this post I shared must-see destinations in Europe, and here are all my posts about travel!
There are many things you can do after lockdown and quarantine, such as doing things you enjoyed before, helping out local businesses, and do new things you haven’t done.
As much excitement as you have, stay cautious about government measures and be safe when you do things again.
I hope these 10 things to do in quarantine gave you some ideas what to do after lockdown, and maybe you can plan a few of them until restrictions losen up.
If you are still in quarantine and you need things to do, here is a list of 50 things to do in quarantine.
Stay safe and until soon,

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