Happy fall y'all! Today I will share some fun fall date ideas on a budget that are perfect for students and college students! I hope you're as excited as I am for the coming fall and holiday ... READ the POST
5 Reasons You Should Do An Informational Interview
Your professors mentioned informational interviews but you're not sure why they're helpful and how to do them? Keep on reading cause I'll share my top 5 reasons you should do an informational ... READ the POST
10 Simple Networking Tips For College Students
Wanna make the most of your college experience while preparing for the "real world"? I got you! This post goes over 10 simple yet effective networking tips for college students! Comment below what ... READ the POST
Top 5 Amazon Essentials For Senior Year High School
Welcome to this post with the top 5 Amazon Essentials for Senior Year in High School! These are the top essentials (at least from Amazon, I usually prefer to thrift or buy from small businesses first) ... READ the POST
How To Survive Your College Long Distance Relationship
You're leaving for college soon or maybe are already there, and are looking for tips on how to survive your college long distance relationship? You have come to the right place! My boyfriend and I ... READ the POST
How To Prepare For A Productive Semester
Do you keep struggling to keep up with your classes from the first day you get to college? Or maybe you're an incoming freshman and want to be prepared AF. Either way, this is for you! In this ... READ the POST