This academic year is going to be different than the others. We all know that. But it’s all about how we deal with it that will determine whether our year will still be amazing, or if it’s just gonna suck. So here is how to prepare for college in fall 2020!
This post is more for those whose colleges ARE reopening, whether that is partially or fully.
[convertkit form=1700418]If your college is going online for the semester, check out my guide for online classes!
Now let’s get started with what you need to prepare and bring to college this semester!

Online or in-person classes?
First, you need to figure out whether your college is going to be online or in-person, so you can plan your move-in better.
Choosing between on or off campus
If you college is only offering online classes, or just a few in-person classes, you usually have the choice of distance learning (what you’ve done the second half of your spring semester) or living in your dorm.
Personally, I think that if you aren’t allowed to let anyone else in your dorm or go to any of the academic buildings, it’s a waste of money to live on campus. You could save that for your next semester and just live at home for now.
If your college is fully reopening and starting in-person classes again, you should totally take advantage and move into your dorm, though I think that’d be required anyways unless you weren’t living on campus before.
Whatever you decide, make sure it is reasonable and saves you money!
[convertkit form=1715618]Packing Tips
My favorite part of going back to college!
Don’t forget to bring these following items:
- 3-7 cloth masks that you can wash
- an emergency bag that has a set of clothes, basic toiletries, medication in case you need to be quarantined (unlikely but just in case)
Your college should provide you with more than enough hand sanitizer, so don’t worry about taking that.
Struggling to pack? If you’d like a checklist with all categories of essentials, check out my college packing list printable!
Essentials in Fall 2020
While the most important essentials are listen in the packing list, there are a few essentials that I’m going to share with you now.
You should not forget to:
- Rent textbooks early because shipping times are longer than usual
- Take your student ID, drivers license and credit card (probably no cash will be accepted)
- Take Surface wipes/disinfectant spray
- Get a refillable water bottle if you don’t have one already
- Pack cloth masks that you can wash
Related: Dorm Organization Ideas
Preparing your Move-in
Next in this how to prepare for college guide are the things you should get done before you move in.
First, you should check your class schedule again and create a time blocking schedule in your planner, so you get an idea of how full your week is going to be.
Second, if you’ve had any campus jobs in the past, check in with your supervisor if you still have the job/if your position will be working.
Third, Get to know your roommate! If you don’t know your roommate yet, texting is a good start to get to know them, and ask them a few questions about their lifestyle so you can prepare better.
Forth, Check what essentials you need for your classes and order/buy them in time! For example, my photography course requires a DSLR, so I’m gonna rent one from the library.
Remember things like that and don’t forget to ask your friends for previous textbooks before you order your rentals!
And lastly, have a good attitude! A positive mindset can do so much when it comes to challenging things, such as a different college experience this semester!
Don’t forget to enjoy it even if it’s hard and different.
Related: 10 Things to do the Summer before College
[convertkit form=1700406]Get Updates on New Regulations
This one is very important!
Check your college’s website for updates, as well as your state and country government’s regulations. You don’t wanna get kicked out of school for some rule you didn’t know about.
To do in the First Week
Last in this how to prepare for college guide are things to do the first week!
Here are the most important ones: (and if I miss something please comment it below!)
- Get your keys and get the medical check-up done when you arrive on campus
- Measure the time you need to get to each class so you can save time in the future
- If you have some online classes, get familiar with how the software works and ask professors any questions you have
- Read the syllabus! I promise you it makes a difference in your grades! (read here how to get As!)
- Buy any other dorm essentials you wanted. For example, I always wait with decor purchases until I moved in and can see what would fit.
- For more move-in day tips, check out my post here!
Related Post: 15 move-in day tips for college students
[convertkit form=1700418]I hope these tips help you prepare for this different semester! If you have anything to add, feel free to comment it below!
Until soon,

Great post! I think with everything going on it is so important to get any textbooks or supplies early because like you said, ship times are longer than usual. I’m starting my senior year this year and it will be interesting one for sure.
Wanted to add for the people doing distance learning, it is worth looking for remote jobs on campus (ex. tutoring center, tech support, etc.). Even though you may not be able to work on campus this semester, you may be able to find a position that you can do from home.
Thanks for the great tip! Campus jobs are a good idea:)