Did your classes get moved online too? Yeah, I feel that. But over time (I’ve studied online before) I found ways to ace even online school. So here is my guide to online classes!
Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. If you purchase via my link I may get a small commission at no additional cost to you. I only recommend things I use and love, but for any questions, refer to my full disclosure here.
1. Be Organized
This sounds basic, but it’s more than that.
You have to make sure to write down your class schedule (or hang it above your desk). Also, record due dates and keep track of any changes that professors are making.
That way, you will feel much more organized and on top of things.
If you’d like to take a look at my online high school schedule/routine, then check out this post!
Personally, I like to keep track of my to-do list and weekly study schedule in my bullet journal. If you’d like to try that out, here is a link to one of the best bullet journals.
2. Keep in Contact with Professors
Keeping in contact with your instructors is crucial, to not miss anything and make yourself visible.
I don’t know what it is about it, but when professors know about your existence and your “dedication” to the class, your grades will be much higher! (at least usually).
So make sure to send emails with your questions or “raise your hand” in that online lecture.
3. Start Projects Early
Take advantage of some professors posting lectures and assignments earlier than class time.
Of course, not every instructor does that, but if they do, it will make your life easier later on if you start some projects early.
Depending on how free you are with your studying, you can spend more time out in the sun in summer if you already got a jumpstart on big projects.
4. Dedicate the Same Time to Classes than in Person
The next tip in the guide for online classes is to dedicate the same time to your classes than before.
I get that you feel like you have less work to do now that you don’t have to physically go to class. I felt the same way.
But in reality, to keep your grades up, you should do the same amount of work even in online classes.
5. Schedule Breaks and Fun
Keeping a consistent schedule is key to finding a good routine with your schoolwork, but you should balance it with breaks, fun stuff, and some time with friends, even if that is currently facetime.
6. take Advantage of Contacts
Take advantage of your contacts such as your parents, classmates, professors, and others you know.
If you have questions about classes or you’re struggling with something, it can really help to reach out to people you trust, whoever that may be.
7. Try Different Study Locations
Sometimes, all you need to get focused is a different location. Sit on your porch, go to the kitchen, maybe even on the floor. Just avoid your bed!
Try it out!
[convertkit form=1715618]8. take advantage of online textbooks
Now, because of this special situation, many websites are offering free ebook versions of textbooks! So if you don’t have your textbooks with you or had to send them back early to Amazon, this is the perfect option!
This is the site that has some of my textbooks, but you can also go to your university’s bookstore and they probably have a link to online textbooks as well.
9. Check Announcements Daily
To not miss any changes in the syllabus, due dates, or class times, make sure to check your emails and online announcements before you start studying in the morning.
One time I forgot to check them and missed a class that was moved forward, so don’t make the same mistake!
10. Work for Your Goals
Remember those resolutions you set at the beginning of this year? Yeah? Let’s work on them!
Now you probably have even more time to spare, so why not try a little bit harder on that paper to get that A you wanted!
This applies to other parts of your life too, obviously. It’s not just all about school, so if one of your goals this year was to learn a new language or a new instrument, this is the time!
I hope you enjoyed this guide to online classes and can use some of my tips!
[convertkit form=1715618]Stay safe and until soon,
Nemma says
I stumbled on this blog post via Pinterest and I’m glad I did. 😊 I love all of these tips! My favorite has to be “schedule in breaks and fun”. Sometime I forget to take breaks and end up feeling burned out. Thanks for the friendly reminder.
Nemma | https://clascity.com/
myclickjournal says
I totally feel that! It’s important to take breaks as much as studying hard:)